Friday, December 16, 2011


We have recently concluded our novel study. The boys read John's Story 1775 while the girls read Maria's Story 1773. Both stories provide a window into lives of children during the latter years of the eighteenth century. The students enjoy these novels immensely. For the boys, it is the thrill of war, weapons, plots and schemes. For the girls, it is discovering that Maria ,age 10, must learn to run a home so her widowed mother can keep the family afloat as she manages to publishing a local newspaper.

As a final activity, each student presented an area of personal interest to the class.
We had a "hanging fact" presentation......,
A diorama......,
a monologue.....,
a trifold presenting life as a girl in the 1770's,
a Magazine model,
a delectable sample of cranberry relish from Maria's kitchen,
Queen's cake,
power points ,

more diaromas,

the struggle for liberty unfolded,
key players in the pre-revolutionary times,

and even funeral etiquette for the day.
Wow! Their creativity soared and they displayed confidence in what they had learned. Well done!!!!

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