Friday, April 27, 2012

Westward Ho!

 As we study American history, it is always fun to  consider the details involved in moving a family west in the mid 1800's.  Covered wagons are of great interest to fourth graders, especially the idea that one might have to travel and live in a schooner  for several months.

We learn dimensions of wagons and weight limits (2000 pounds normally).  We also read primary sources to find out exactly was normally put in a wagon for a journey west.

Once we had done our research, we set about constructing our wagons with a partner.

 Such creative ideas!

Now this is a DELUXE wagon!

The insides of the wagons contained handmade furniture, trunks, rugs, and other necessities.

 We invited the second graders to come and view our finished products complete with a family name, motto, and verse!

 Here we are giving a smartboard lesson to our second grade guest.
I think you will agree that our wagons look pretty great and the designers are to commended for their great work.

These wagons were SUPER and I loved watching the partners exchanging ideas and working so well together.  Well done, fourth graders!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Touring the Forensic Science Institute

What an opportunity !  Our class had a tour of UCO's Forensic Science Institute recently.