Taking a morning to tour our Oklahoma Captiol is always a treat. It is truly a beautiful tribute to our state. We had studied the three branches of government so this field trip gave opportunity to see how that works on a state level.
Our dome is spectacular and includes the colors of our state wild flower, the Indian Blanket.
This is my favorite piece of art in the Capitol. It is called "Flight of Spirit" by Mike Larsen and depicts five world-renowned Native American ballet dancers from our state.
The Hall of Governors includes a bust of every governor that has served in our state.
The Supreme Court
We were honored to have our photograph with Representative Marian Cooksey on the Grand Staircase. Later on, Representative Lewis Moore and our Lt. Governor, Todd Lamb, stopped by for a few minutes to visit with us. Todd Lamb challenged us to be strong in our faith and to think about making a difference as tomorrow's leaders. We look forward to our signed copies of photographs with these state leaders.
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