"Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Colonial Days has begun". Our very own Town Crier announced the festivities and updated us on all the happenings locally as well as throughout the colonies in 1785. "Mrs. O'Henry has given birth to her eighth son this morning, The House of Burgesses will meet at the thirteenth hundered hour this very day........Britain has blocked the port in Boston leading to uprisings throughout the colonies......"
A special invitation brings townspeople from near and far for a formal tea. We were dressed in our finery as we gather at Madame Anderson's home on Francis Street in Williamsburg Virginia. It was a time of celebration as we contemplated all God had provided for us in the colonies AND a day to mark our resolve as patriots intent on freedom. "Huzzah, huzzah!"
Our lovely moms helped to serve us scones, clotted cream, butter, and jam with our tea.
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