Friday, May 14, 2010

Fourth Grade Chapel

Fourth Grade had the honor of performing for the final elementary chapel for this school year.

Our play was taken from Matthew 25:1-13 where Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. The wise took the oil for their lamps but the foolish ones didn't bring any. When the bridegroom came, the foolish virgins were out buying oil for their lamps and the missed the opportunity to enter into the wedding banquet. When they finally got back with their oil, the door was shut and the bridegroom would not let them in.

This parable is meant to remind us of the importance of being watchful, ready and waiting for the Lord's return. It is our personal responsibility to have a relationship with Jesus and to be focused on the return of Christ as we live out our lives here on earth.

Singing a song of praise to the Lord.

Reading Matthew 25:1-13 to the audience.

Enjoying the wedding banquet

Realizing that the bridesmaids missed their opportunity

Celebrating the wedding.

Proclaiming that we must let our lights shine brightly for Jesus and be ready for his return.

Clapping for our great bride and groom!

Don't we look pleased with ourselves!
Miles and miles of smiles!

Great job, Fourth Grade! Mrs. Leadford prayed a precious blessing over this wonderful group. We will miss them all very much but we know God has planned each step of their future and it is perfect in every way!

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