Friday, May 14, 2010

Which Food Contain Starch?

Our final unit of study in science is the digestive system. We are discovering how intricately God has designed our bodies to digest food and then use the nutrients for benefiting our bodies. We have been amazed at the functions various organs have in our digestive system. Today we wanted to see what foods have starch in them. We took iodine and spread on several items. If the food turned black, it contained starch but it remained the yellow color of the iodine, it didn't contain starch. We first wrote our predictions of what contained starch or no starch in a chart in our manual. Then we tested each item.

As you can see, we tested cracker, chips, bread, Cheerios, pasta, potatoes, apple, cheese and carrots. The first five items turned black immediately but the apple and cheese did not. The carrot appeared to have a small amount of starch in it.

Not exactly appetizing, but definitely interesting!!!!

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